Комментариев к записи: 2

  1. Валентина:

    Вообще не понимаю настаников. Набирают чаще всего не обладателей хороших голосов, а очень средненьких певцов и начинают петь им абсолютно незаслуженные дифирамбы.

  2. cheap ray ban sunglasses:

    What Britons and Europeans form their opinions on is the constant anti-American media in their respective countries. Have these people actually had a one on one conversation with Americans? Just as they accuse us for not traveling abroad very much, Europeans do not travel to America very much either so how are they to know what we are really like? America is such a big country that even if they were to visit (most liekly New York or LA) it still would not be enough. What they see as arrogance and ignorance on the American side (Which I can agree with) I also see them as being condescending as arrogant as well. They love to hate us. If they didn’t they would not have a target. Don’t get me wrong, I don’t have any illusions about our government. I just think that ALL of us can do with a bit more open mindedness and cooperation.

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